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Popular Questions

Students fulfilling the requirements and guidelines of particular scholarships are eligible to apply. These are available in the details of each scholarship on the portal.

Yes, meeting the eligibility criteria of the scholarships, one can apply to multiple scholarships through ScholarsBox.

In the ‘Applied Scholarship’ section in the user’s profile, applicants can easily track the status of their application.

Details and requirements of each scholarship can be found in the ‘Learn More’ section when applying for the scholarship. All required documents and eligibility criteria are mentioned here.

All NGOs are invited to collaborate with ScholarsBox. Our program extends a heartfelt invitation to NGOs working across diverse fields to partner with us in advancing our last-mile approach, making scholarship opportunities more accessible to deserving individuals.

Yes, CSR funds are a legitimate means to advance scholarship opportunities as it aids community development, access to education, and livelihood enhancement.
